Bi-Weekly Meal Plan

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There are two reason why I meal plan.

  1. I HATE the struggle of “what are we eating today?”

I can’t stand trying to figure that out and throw a meal together every evening. Life is SO much easier when you have a meal planned, groceries bought, and ready to go for the week.

Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”

And goodness, have I failed time and time again. Cereal for supper isn’t what I call a win, but at least my kids are fed and happy.

2. It saves money. So. Much. Money.

I can’t control our utility bills (though I try), and I can’t plan for every single unexpected expense. Some things are just out of my control. But, I can save us HUNDREDS every month by meal planning. I shop for what we need for the weeks’ meals, and don’t buy the extra “just in case I need it” groceries. This way we don’t throw away food (which is throwing away money) and don’t need to pick up take-out.

I LOVE having meal plans but I don’t actually enjoy the process of the meal planning. I’ve found that I can plan two weeks of meals without being overwhelmed. So, this is my meal planning sheet that I use. I am a very visual person so I like seeing my three meals and a snack a day written out. Using this, I make out my grocery list at the bottom of the sheet for each week and *TA DA* I’m ready to go shopping.

Also, I used these containers for my meal prepping each week (#ad). I love them because they are microwave and dishwasher safe!

Happy planning!

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